It is better to make an amulet with your own hands than to buy it. These substances are more effective because they are filled with energy by a person and have a purpose: protection, health, money, etc.
19 November 2022
Do you want to be happy and successful? Then you need to make an amulet for good luck! This will not only give you confidence, but also become a real decoration of your home. And most importantly, you can do with your own hands from improvised means. Learn how to do this in the article.
22 November 2021
What is a successful talisman, why do you need it? Options for self-made talismans, their proper activation.
21 September 2020
Amulets for money and luck: rituals with different containers to attract money (bank, money house, money box), coins and banknote talismans (unchangeable coin, emperor and Horde amulet, lucky note, encrypted account).
19 September 2020